Russia 2013 100 rubles 70th Anniversary of the Stalingrad Battle 1/2 Oz 15,72g Gold coin
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Russia 2013 100 Rubles 70th Anniversary of the Stalingrad Battle 1/2 Oz 15,72g Gold coin
Россия 2013 100 рублей 70-летие Сталинградской битвы 1/2 унции 15,72 г. унции золотая монета
The obverse
in the center of the disc, in the circle of dots – the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it – the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)], inscriptions along the rim, above – the denomination: "СТО РУБЛЕЙ" (ONE HUNDRED RUBLES), below: to the left – indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the center – the year of issue "2013 г." (2013), to the right – the fine metal content and the mint trademark.
The reverse
on the mirror lower segment of the disc - the fragment of a bas-relief from the Monument to Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad in Volgograd, on the upper matted segment - the silhouette of the monument "The Appealing Motherland", along the rim - the circular inscription going from the left below up to the right: "70-ЛЕТИЕ РАЗГРОМА СОВЕТСКИМИ ВОЙСКАМИ НЕМЕЦКО-ФАШИСТСКИХ ВОЙСК В СТАЛИНГРАДСКОЙ БИТВЕ" (THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CRUSHING DEFEAT OF THE German-fascist TROOPS BY THE SOVIET TROOPS IN THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD) divided below by an asterisk.
Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД).
The edge: 240 corrugations.
Payment method offerings around the world | Credit cards: VISA, Mastercard and other | Digital wallets: PayPal, Western Union, Bitcoins and other | Direct debit / bank transfer: Deutsche bank, Israel bank, Sberbank and other
Способы оплаты | Кредитные карты: VISA, Mastercard и другие | Цифровые кошельки: PayPal, Western Union, Биткойны и другие | Банковские переводы: Deutsche bank, Израильские банки, Сбербанк и другие
אמצעי התשלום | ארנקים דיגיטלים :פייפאל, ווסטרן יוניון, בוניון, בוניון, ביטים | כרטיסי אשראי: ויזה, מאסטרקארד ואחרים | הוראת קבע / העברה בנקאית: דויטשה בנק, בנק ישל, סברבנק ואחרים
Worldwide Delivery: DHL, UPS, ISRAEL POST, EMS, СDEK,
Доставка по миру: DHL, UPS, ISRAEL POST, EMS, СДЭК,
משלוח מקומי ובינלאומי: DHL, UPS ,ישראל פוסט,СDEK, EMS